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Golf Upgrades Partner: Big Brothers Big Sisters San Diego

Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego Golf Marathon

FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2022

SUNRISE-SUNSET @ Singing Hills Golf Resort at Sycuan

The Golf Marathon is about having fun while helping kids start on a path to success. Join us for a day of golf, food, fun and prizes!

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What is Golf Marathon?

Golf Marathon is not your traditional Golf Tournament. No foursomes, no pairings, no required scoring, just every golfer for themselves playing any
hole in any order (some attempting to golf 100+ holes) all for a good cause!

- Free to play, pay what you can

- 100 holes of golf in one day!

- Golf Marathon is a fun and challenging event for everyone. It is not your traditional tournament.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Power of Mentorship

The Golf Upgrades team supports mentorship. We fully support the BBBS program and will be sponsoring the Golf Marathon in June for the second straight year.

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2022 Golf Marathon FAQ

What is a Golf Marathon (GM)? Golf Marathon is not your traditional Golf Tournament. No  foursomes, no pairings, no required scoring, just every golfer for themselves playing any  hole in any order (some attempting to golf 100+ holes) all for a good cause! 

2. What is Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS)? BBBS is a non-profit organization that makes  meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”),  ages 7 through 18. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on  the lives of young people. By partnering with parents/guardians, volunteers and others in  the community, we are accountable for each child in our program achieving higher  aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships and educational success. 

3. Do I need to be a good golfer? No! Golf Marathon is not about your skills on the course; it is  all about having fun while helping to provide kids in San Diego the mentor they need to  reach their full potential. 

4. Do I have to golf 100 holes? Definitely not! Golf 3 holes or golf 200 holes… as long as you’re  having fun, you’re doing Golf Marathon right! 

5. What do I do if I want to participate/fundraise but don’t want to golf? Want to sponsor  another golfer to play on your behalf? Want to caddie for another golfer during the event?  Prefer to hang out in the clubhouse and just attend the awards dinner? The sky's the limit! 

6. How much of my fundraising goes to the cause? Almost 100%. Sycuan Casino Resort has  generously underwritten most of the event expenses, meaning your fundraising dollars go  directly to serving San Diego’s kids. 

7. What is the money used for? Your fundraising dollars go towards reducing our child waitlist  as well as keeping our current matches happy and safe. 

8. If I’m on a team, do we each need to raise a minimum? Yes, Rookies = $1,000 and  Returning Golfers = $2,000. Teams are eligible for fun prizes for “best dressed” or “most  enthusiastic,” however, each player must raise a fundraising minimum. 

9. How do I raise $1,000? There are SO MANY WAYS to raise your fundraising minimum, from  guest bartending to using social media and more! Our committed team of Golf Marathon  leaders are prepared to assist you with achieving your goal and we KNOW you can do it! 

10. What happens if I don’t reach my fundraising minimum? You will! If you use the tools  provided in our Golf Marathon toolkit you are sure to reach your minimum. Our Golf  Marathon Committee is here to help you with ideas so please reach out if you need advice  about fundraising. 

11. Do you need to be a Big Brother/ Sister to play? No, anyone can participate in the Golf  Marathon! 

12. Do I get a cart or is it a walking course? Carts are available for all golfers. 13. What’s included? Breakfast, lunch and on-course refreshments will be provided during golf.  After golf, please join us for cocktails, dinner and dessert. 

14. Can my son/daughter who is a minor participate? Yes! They can participate as a Junior  Marathoner in our event. Minors will need to fundraise a minimum of $500 to play and  their parent/guardian will need to sign a waiver on their behalf. Please note that although 

minors are allowed on the golf course at Singing Hills, Sycuan Casino Resort does not permit  anyone under the age of 21 (including infants) on property so they will not be able to attend  our awards banquet.  

15. What do I wear? Remember when we said this event is untraditional? We weren’t kidding!  If you’re looking to win the best dressed award, be sure to come out in some snazzy golf  attire! 

16. Should I stay the night? Duh! Join us for a weekend of fun by taking advantage of our room  block at Sycuan Casino Resort! Many golfers stay to enjoy the lazy river, swim up bar, or  gambling on the casino floor. 

17. Can I bring my significant other? Everyone on course must be a registered golfer, however,  significant others may join for the awards ceremony (if $2,000 fundraising minimum is  reached). 

18. What can my significant other do while I am golfing? Enjoy a relaxing spa treatment at Spa  Ritual at Sycuan, read a book out by the pool, float through the lazy river, gamble on the  casino floor, or try one of Sycuan's delicious restaurants! 

19. How can I get a room or spa treatment at no cost to me? Golfers who raise $3,500* will get  a one night stay at the new Sycuan Resort on us. Golfers who raise $4,500* will also get a  spa treatment. *Must be raised on or before May 24th. 

20. How do we get from Singing Hills Golf Course to Sycuan’s Resort? Option One: Take the  free shuttle provided. Option Two: Drive your personal vehicle (but please plan ahead if you  plan to drink!) 

21. Will I have fun? If you’re still asking this question, you haven’t read any of the responses  above!

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